We are generation Y
Thursday, June 18, 2009
So i think again...
So, my first day of summer.. kindasorta

I didn't do much. Watched a Steven Spielberg had a 5 foot long and a strawberry ice cream.

I was asked if i could have one thing in life, what would it be by my English teacher.

I answered something like... well, duh, i want all the money, the fame, i want to be in a happy family, i want to be in love, i want to have the time of my live, etc etc.

but most importantly, the only and one thing i want for myself is that i want to be myself. Losing who i am would be such a shame. My life might not be as great as Rockefellers, but I love it. And if it weren't for me, where would i be at.

They way i see things, the way i think, when i have a pen between my fingers, when i feel emotions, ... these are all the truly unique things to me, and i'm sure to everyone else too. they make me who i am as a human being. this independence of unique thought i have from the rest of the world is a treasure. see, We do not appreciate things the same way. I do not appreciate easter eggs like some people would... but damn i helllla appreciate craftmanship of a garmet. What we appreciate is like our childhood items. It's so beautiful and only we see the value in it.

If i am not me, i could be a discriminating person, someone that dont really party, and i wouldnt understand the art of southpark... but wait.. i might be a super straight A student that is going to a private school.. but whatever it maybe.. i love my life

It is hard for me to be positive at most time...but right now, i'm positive, i'm in love with who i am and i'm excited for what future might bring to me. Maybe it's the summer <3

one day, i will make sense
and i cant believe i found this song !! missd you so oo oooo oo much!

Nth Degree (Album Version) - Morningwood
Blogger Unknown said...
its funny how ppl can make lists and lists of things of what they want and only a couple of simple things really gives them the complete satisfaction

Blogger Tea Tharaphy said...
It's usually what we need that gives us satisfaction, not what we want.. because with today, there is nothing we don't want

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